Budleigh Community Workshop was made possible only through charitable donations. We value your support and welcome your involvement.
As a not-for-profit organisation we aspire to provide all our services free of charge. This is not always possible. Voluntary contributions sustain us and enable us to give back to the Community in worthwhile ways.
You can donate to Budleigh Community Workshop Trust in a number of ways:
IMPORTANT: If you are a Taxpayer – please complete our Gift Aid Form.
As a not-for-profit organisation we aspire to provide all our services free of charge. This is not always possible. Voluntary contributions sustain us and enable us to give back to the Community in worthwhile ways.
You can donate to Budleigh Community Workshop Trust in a number of ways:
- There is a secure Donations Box inside the Community Workshop, The Old Fire Station, 4-5 Station Road. Budleigh Salterton EX9 6DF (adjacent to the Public Hall), and a Post Box outside the building.
- You may donate by Bank Transfer to Budleigh Community Workshop Trust, CAF Bank Account No 00033423, Sort Code: 40-52-40.
- Or you may prefer to speak directly to our Chair & Finance Trustee, Bill McDermott, 01395 443455.
IMPORTANT: If you are a Taxpayer – please complete our Gift Aid Form.